Thursday, 18 June 2015

T-Rex Modelling - Re-Submmission

NOTE: Screenshots of the earlier stages in the models creation were lost due to technical difficulties.

I found that without reference, it was difficult to judge the width of the model, which lead to it appear much thinner than I would have liked. The tail also tapers to a weird point which could be solved by ending it with a face and a flat end rather than grouping the vertexes together.

Completed Claws

Completed Feet

Smoothed Model

Finished UV Map

The UV mapping was difficult to get my head around due to the irregular shapes and the more finicky details. Since most of these problems came from trying to work with a whole model, I split back into two halves and created the new UVs, with the Automatic Mapping Tool and some minor adjustments to the edges and faces, particularly to the mouth and the hands.

Finished Model with a UV Edges Visible

While the model still closely resembles the guidelines, I think that using a combination of straight and curved edges would improve it's appearance. I also felt that the hands seemed to flat in places and could have benefited from additional polys if not for the limit on the poly count. 

Alley 3D Model Textures - Re-Submission

I chose to give the bricks a more red hue but also to tone the colour down to make them so that they'd look more aged and worn.

All Textures added

To vary the wall, I added a second type of brick texture below the stone border. I also made the arch over the grate part of the walls texture since I could add better lighting with the emboss effect in Photoshop.

With Specular and Normal Maps added

I think that if the Sewer Grate was actually raised off the ground, it would look better than the flat texture and make better use of the Specular Map. I did however, alter the individual lights and darks of the Grate on it's Specular Map, to give it better depth and lighting. I was very satisfied with the effect that they created and thought of ways they could be used in future work, such as the Summer Project.

Class Work Re-Submission - Lizard "Dude"

Darks and Shadows
Lighting added
Colours and Scale Textures added